Everything you want to know about CBD and THC but are afraid to ask

Be informed about marijuana before you visit our Oak Harbor dispensary

Q: What is CBD?

A: CBD is Cannabidoil. It is a naturally occurring compound found in the resinous flower of cannabis.

Q: What is THC?

A: THC is Tetrahydrocannabinol. It is phytocannabinoid that is most commonly associated with the “head-high” experienced by marijuana.

Q: Is it just for potheads?

A: People of all ages have sought out THC and CBD for many reasons. Some enjoy it recreationally, while others have experienced it’s medicinal benefits.

Q: Will everything make me high?

A: No. We offer many products that do not create the “head-high” that is commonly associated with marijuana. Our topicals do not result in a head-high. Our other products will produce a head-high. Speak with our well-trained budtenders about the different effects of each of the product types we offer. Or, please make an appointment with our medical consultant to understand which product is best for you!

Q: What is the highest THC content in the store?

A: Depends on the day, sometimes we have buds that hit 35%, we have cartridges that are in the 90%, concentrates that are 100%, 100mg drinks

Q: What’s the difference between sativa or indica?

A: Indica produces a relaxed, body high. Sativa produces a stimulated, mental high.

Q: Do you have CBD products without THC?

A: No. Everything has to have a small amount of THC in order to be sold in Washington.